Meet Brian
Brian is a seasoned public speaking coach who is passionate about helping experts create & deliver powerful presentations.

Brian’s Approach
A Holistic Approach To Holistic Communication
Presenting yourself and your expertise to an audience takes more than just the usual tips and tricks.
Brian Krogh begins by helping you explore how you understand your own areas of expertise, works with you to plan a robust strategy for connecting with your audience, fills your delivery with all the right energies, and provides you with insightful reflection on the impact you’ve made.
Research shows a technical presenter faces two challenges: It is nearly impossible to remember what it is like not to know something and working memory is easily overworked. In this session, principles of effective communication strategy are shared and practiced. Presenters learn how to organize complex material so it connects with any audience.
Effective slides do not require your audience to analyze the data, they display the presenter's analysis and interpretation. Utilizing proven data visualization techniques, and examples from past clients, participants discover how to easily create slides that do not overwhelm the audience.
Effective communicators display three types of energy when they present: Authority - "I know what I'm talking about," Action - "I know why this is important," and Authenticity - "You can trust me." This session is highly interactive and participants learn how to display these energies when they speak.
Brian Krogh has helped hundreds of professionals create and deliver compelling presentations. He has taught Public Speaking at both undergraduate and graduate levels and currently serves as Lead Facilitator for Leadership-Link.
Brian lives in the Boston area and is very proud of his three children. He enjoys traveling and has yet to lose at Seinfeld trivia.